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Circle of Care

At Ridley, we see each student as an individual with unique needs. As such, we employ a Circle of Care approach to ensure that every Ridelian is known, cared for and supported.

The Circle of Care is an interconnected network of staff and faculty that help students flourish – in mind, body and spirit. While this vast network of care may look different for every student, one thing remains the same — our caring and compassionate community is ready to help students build relationships, make connections and feel a sense of belonging at Ridley.

Learn more about each of the roles that support our students below. 


Our faculty leaders are experts in their craft and discipline. More than teachers, they are expert learners and mentors who inspire students to develop in all aspects of life – mind, body and spirit.   


Our advisory programmes pair small groups of students with a staff or faculty advisor, who leads programming and check-ins with their advisees each week. Advisors are there to be a support for both school and non-school-related questions and concerns and to provide meaningful relationships and mentorship. 

Learning Strategist 

Learning Strategists offer learning support through workshops, assistive technologies, personalized assessments and individual student success plans.  


Subject-specific tutors reinforce concepts, strengthen comprehension and offer individualized attention to enhance learning. 


Librarians arm students with literacy and research skills. They are expert sources who teach students how to gather and use information efficiently and ethically.  

Director of Wellbeing 

This dedicated role guides the campus in ensuring that every aspect of the student experience centres on fostering wellbeing. They also plan special wellness programming and connect with students who need support. 


Physicians hold on-site clinics four days a week and are on-call 24/7. They work closely with nurses and school professionals to meet the health and development needs of all students. 


A Registered Practical Nurse is on-site during business hours and on-call 24/7. When Ridley students take field trips, it is common for a nurse to attend with them. 


Dedicated social and emotional counselling professionals support each of the Lower, Middle and Upper Schools. They conduct classroom lessons, workshops and meetings with individuals, small groups and families. 

Athletic Therapist 

Our Athletic Therapy Clinic provides injury prevention education, rehabilitation, and taping and bracing. Athletic therapists also support Ridley sports teams with group education and travel with teams to national and international showcases.  


Ridley coaches are positive, enthusiastic and goal-oriented. They employ wellbeing education in their approaches, helping students harness their wellbeing to achieve their goals. 

Head of House 

Each of Ridley’s ten houses has a Head of House (HOH), and each student belongs to a Ridley House. HOHs are parental figures who lead with compassion, foster wellbeing and encourage personal growth. They maintain student safety, plan fun and engaging activities, and provide conflict resolution. 

Assistant Head of House 

The Assistant Head of House helps nurture the welfare and progress of every student. Residential programming makes it easy for boarders and day students to develop strong relationships with residential life staff. 

My teachers here are essentially my best friends. I can go to them whenever I have any problems…they are always ready to offer their help.

– Kiishi '22