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The Houses of Ridley

Ten Houses, one home. Our Houses are more than just residences: they are where character is built and lasting memories are made.

Every Ridleian, day and boarding, belongs to one of our ten boarding Houses. This structure creates a unique cohesion, fosters deeper friendships and establishes lifelong connections. Each House possesses its own culture and charm and is named after Ridley’s founding members. Each has its own unique personality - mascot, chants, colours, traditions and history. Our spirited inter-house competitions throughout the year inspire team pride as Houses chase after the coveted Bradley Shield or Bermuda Cup.

To instill an appreciation for service to others into our school culture and support our ethos, each House chooses a cause for which to raise funds and awareness each year. 

We invite you to establish your home away from home. Your Ridley adventure is waiting.


The pastoral care of our Houses is a community effort and consists of a wide circle of engaged adults. Ten Heads of House live on campus with their own families in homes adjacent to their respective Houses. They are each supported by an Assistant Head of House and Residence Dons. Each House includes a team of devoted faculty advisors who nurture the welfare and progress of every student and provide evening supervision on a rotational basis.

As part of their House, students get involved with:

  • Participating in House competitions
  • Mentoring younger students
  • Performing in House arts events
  • Organizing House activities
  • Contributing to charity service initiatives
  • Representing their House as a House Captain.



Learning doesn’t end on the weekend at Ridley. Saturday programming, arts and athletics activities and weekend excursions are all part of the immersive Ridley experience.

Weekend activities are planned throughout the year to enrich the experiences of Ridleians. These include activities planned by Heads of House, in conjunction with student leaders, which may be focused on community service or just for fun! In addition, school-wide outings and activities are regularly planned to engage students on and off campus.

Recent outings include:

  • Niagara Falls and Clifton Hill
  • Toronto Theatre District
  • New York City
  • Toronto shopping
  • Mont Tremblant ski weekend
  • Niagara Paintball Park
  • Duke of Edinburgh Trips
  • Hiking in Niagara and on the Escarpment
  • Canada’s Wonderland
  • Ski trips to NY Ski Club
  • Chicago

Photo of two students after skiiing

    As a boarding community, the Ridley campus never stops moving. Beyond our weekend programming and excursions, the campus is always alive with students pursuing their passions. It might be in rehearsals in the theatre or in our music or art studios. It might be accessing our athletic facilities for additional training or recreation with friends. It will certainly be students participating as fans and spectators at the many art, cultural and athletics events we host that are open to our entire community every weekend.

    Saturday S.O.A.R. Programme

    Every Saturday morning, Upper School students enrich their learning with our S.O.A.R programme. Saturday S.O.A.R. is an extension of Ridley’s regular academic programme and provides students with an opportunity for enriched learning in a variety of areas.

     There are four components to the programme:

    • Special Interest – includes explicit instruction about the pillars of wellbeing through motivational speakers, art and vitality workshops, and our signature courses, including Flourishing 101, Seven Habits of Successful Teenagers, Flourishing 104, and Life Skills
    • Outreach – Ridley students engage in community service initiatives on and off campus, reflecting our school motto, Terar Dum Prosim, to be consumed in service
    • Academic Support – includes time for projects, the IB personal project and extended essay, university preparation support and academic course planning
    • Residential Life – includes inter-house competitions called the Bradley Shield and Bermuda Cup